Une importante réduction des coûts
Une sécurité renforcée
La réduction de l’impact environnemental
Une très grande flexibilité
Une conception du laboratoire optimisée
GreenFumeHood 3.
La technologie la plus puissante au monde s’adapte toujours plus à votre laboratoire.
Plébiscitées par les laboratoires les plus avancés,
les sorbonnes équipées de la nouvelle filtration GreenFumeHood 3 rivalisent d’efficacité avec les sorbonnes à extraction classiques. Elles sont aussi beaucoup moins polluantes et plus économiques. Bénéficiez de capacités de filtration optimales, combinées à une technologie révolutionnaire zéro émission.
Pour un air pur dedans comme dehors.
Les grands apports de GreenFumeHood 3 à votre laboratoire.
La technologie GreenFumeHood 3.
Sélectionnée par les plus grands fabricants de mobiliers de laboratoire.
La technologie GreenFumeHood 3 est proposée par les plus grands installateurs en Europe, en Asie et en Amérique du Nord et bénéficie de leur expertise et de leur expérience.
3 sites de productions et 25 installateurs dans le monde.

The products far exceed national standards and relevant international standards, and all technical indicators of the entire product range have reached the industry's leading level. The company has been awarded as a national high-tech enterprise, a special-purpose enterprise and a municipal-level R&D centre for automatic variable air volume fume hoods, and has successfully applied for nearly 100 patents. The company has become a certified member of the Shanghai Laboratory Equipment Association (SELA) and a certified member of the Scientific Equipment and Laboratory Furniture Association (SEFA) of the U.S. In 2019, the company hired Mr. Chip Albright, former president of the SEFA Association, as our long-term technical advisor, and we will provide our customers with high-end laboratory construction concepts in the industry.
Chengwei is willing to work with laboratory engineers to create high standard laboratory projects to make China's laboratory industry more professional, laboratory environment more safe and laboratory personnel more healthy.

A well-known brand of global laboratory intelligent equipment and a world class digital facility supply platform.
World-leading product quality and manufacturing processes. One of the earliest and largest integrated laboratory digital facilities, high-tech research and development enterprises in China. Author of industry standards.
Pioneer and promoter of the concept of green, intelligent, digital and smart laboratories.
A designated enterprise for green procurement by the Chinese government.

Laboratory buildings cover a wide range of scientific and innovative fields such as agriculture, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, medical, biological, energy, quality control, etc. Depending on the industry sector and the content of the experiments, the architecture, interior, electromechanics, processes and characteristics of each room vary. Through the technical team of Best Technology, the client's needs are transformed into engineering language and engineering symbols, and then through the professional integration of Best Technology, the architectural design, architectural engineering, decoration design, decoration engineering, process design, process engineering and instruments and equipment under the Rebea Group are linked in the huge service system of the Rebea Group, which can optimise the construction process for the client, save process costs, avoid The laboratory is not simply a working environment.

Burdinola offers advanced technology solutions serving the premises of sustainability, ecodesign and applicable standards, applicable in both the global scientific building, and in the specifics of laboratory furniture.
We are in the select group of companies that can ensure, WORLDWIDE, advanced technology solutions for the latest generation of research laboratories.
Getting here has been the result of long experience and high technical expertise, and especially the professional spirit of a team that has always been committed to innovation and total quality.

35 Successful Years In Business
GDLS takes pride in having the largest and most satisfied customer-base across the length and breadth of India. We have practically built laboratories in all States, across most industries – pharmaceutical, chemical, petro-chemical, engineering, segments, including the Education sector. This wealth of experience makes GD , the most favoured name among the country's scientific community.
Consistently Good Quality Of Products
After converting the laboratory market from using Wood to more environmentally friendly Steel Furniture, we have now moved on to be the First in India to offer SEFA compliant Laboratory Grade Metal Furniture certified by Intertek, USA along with highly safe, rugged, energy efficient Fume Hoods. We reaffirm our commitment to deliver consistently good,
world-class quality of products to the industry. We were one of the first few companies to get the ISO certifiction, for Laboratory Furniture Systems and Fume Hoods. Besides ISO 9001:2008 certification, we also have IS0 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 certifications.
Customised Solutions
Our expertise over the years has helped us improve our understanding of the needs of different kind of laboratories through a broad variety of our customers, which include pharmaceutical, food, chemicals, plastic & polymers, environment, education, petroleum, healthcare among other industries. The wide range of our manufacturing capabilities permits us to produce tailor-made items of all dimensions and specifications to offer complete need-based solutions to our customers.
Service Commitment
Our prompt and qualified Services have resulted in customers reposing faith in us time and again. Repeat customer business forms a substantial part of our business.

• Education (scientific rooms in secondary schools and universities)
• Laboratory (Research, Industry)
• Health (hospital, medical)
Our strengths
As an independent company, ILM Agencements offers a wide range of standard and customised products on a national scale (mainland France, French overseas departments and territories) and in neighbouring European Union countries. Its independence, its size (30 employees) and its own resources, from design to maintenance of its equipment, ensure its customers :
• Good communication: single point of contact (no intermediaries, limits slippage and misunderstandings)
• Reactivity
• Flexibility
• Customised manufacturing
Our technical capabilities
ILM Agencements stands out thanks to its 4 specific areas of expertise:
• Design: Design office, 2 technicians
• Production: Factory, 16 employees
• Installation: 8 installation technicians
• Maintenance/SAV: 2 technicians
We have enjoyed great stability in the distribution of employees, both in management and technical staff, over the last 3 years. Attentive and rigorous with regard to safety, we train (electrical clearance, chemical risk clearance 2, SST) and equip our employees (PPE).

Over 43 years, employees have become friends, customers in partners and our laboratories in ways to achieve the future.
We operate in several sectors, but the hospital, laboratory, education and pharmacy areas have a very important weight for our company. We develop customized solutions that will allow you to have the space you really need.

With so much riding on the safety, quality and performance of our equipment, we don’t believe in leaving anything to chance. For more than 90 years, in every decision and product that we make, our goal has been to take care of the people who depend on us. That means holding ourselves accountable to do the right thing, the right way.
Labconco is a mid-sized, privately-held company dedicated to building superior laboratory equipment.

Our products already strengthen numerous laboratory facilities, not only locally, but all over Europe. The furniture and equipment we produce is even used in countries such as: Syria, Egypt, India. Thanks to the co-operation with our clients it has been possible to create several dozens of modern measuring laboratories which have been created in accordance with the binding European standards, rules of good laboratory practice (GLP), ergonomics as well as work safety and hygiene regulations. Our crew consists of designers, engineers, salespeople and fitters who together make up a good team and put our products to the most difficult tests at every stage.
This is possible because the whole process related to the production of furniture and equipment is in our hands. The solutions and materials which we use function perfectly in the difficult conditions they are exposed to in their everyday work; consequently allowing our customers to take a “step into the future...” In this way the customers put their trust in us. The quality of products and services which we are presenting is confirmed by many seals of approval as well as certificates, issued by independent laboratories and institutions, which declare the conformity to binding standards. Irrespective of that, however, we keep improving our abilities by participating in numerous training courses on the binding standards and regulations thus ensuring safety and knowledge which we always use and share with our partners.
The diligent and well-organized functioning of our company is confirmed by the implemented and maintained Quality Management System of the ISO 9001 series. We would like to thank for your attention and at the same time invite you to our business office where you will have the opportunity to check the truthfulness of the above words.

It offers you customised or standardised products, thanks to its experience acquired in many fields, such as : research, industry, secondary and university education, hospital and medical environment, departmental and veterinary laboratories.
In order to meet the needs of each user, we have a team at your disposal, from design to manufacture and installation.

In the field of interior design, Potteau Labo also plays a leading role. Prestigious and often complex projects are part of the daily challenges that the company successfully takes up.
Since the early nineties, our almost limitless production possibilities have allowed us to accommodate luxury hotels. During the past two decades, Potteau Labo has established a solid reputation as a company that is specialized in decorating the public spaces from four or five star luxury hotels.
Furthermore, more and more museums and exhibition spaces are designed by Potteau Labo. We not only carry out prestigious projects in Belgium but also abroad. We take pride in the results of these projects because they show our professionalism and sense of detail.
As part of our expertise in the field of interior accommodation, Potteau Labo also manufactures different types of inner doors. Manufacturing and placing acoustic and fire-resistant wooden doors has become one of our specialties.

We’re a marketing organisation dedicated to provide scientific solution to solve problems related to
- Safety & Containment,
- Food & Feed Quality,
- Environmental Monitoring & Agri-Research and
- Life science Research for every laboratories and factories.
We have loyal end-users from all over Malaysia and others South East Asia countries, who rely on our portfolio of well-known products and services to solve their challenges

Our company is active in laboratory design and manufacturing and has become an international specialist in setting up Laboratories. This includes, microbiological, pathological, pharmaceutical and educational labs.
We are knowledgeable, have years of experience and we always go for quality! From the headquarters in Sint-Oedenrode, 4 locations in Germany and various resale organizations, laboratory are decorated worldwide with Vinitex laboratory furniture. Our team of staff currently consists of 80 Fte.
In Sint-Oedenrode (NL) is besides our showroom also our complete production facility where the laboratory tables, fume cupboards, storage cabinets and fans are designed and produced.
As an independent family business, the typical characteristics are felt immediately and we are at all times a professional partner for our customers. Flexibility, continuity and involvement are the basic characteristics of the relationship we have with both our employees as our customers.
Vinitex works transparent, innovative and process-oriented, involved and has, above all, love for the business. We have a great passion for our work and go for a common goal with our clients with much enthusiasm, involvement and flexibility to respond to situations, possibilities and wishes. Both small and large businesses, we offer the same attention and quality. Here you will find no warehouse full of standard products. On request, the products are produced so there is flexibility in terms of material and colour use. By many years of experience, good listening and a continuous drive to optimization, we work with you to design your ideal laboratory.

Our SCALA laboratory equipment is based on the modular system principle. Depending on the situation and the purpose, it can be used to create new designs or to supplement existing equipment. The strict adherence to a clever grid for the basic components guarantees a maximum of design variants in every area of the laboratory.
Acting instead of reacting - this has always been our maxim: Many of our innovations and developments are the standard throughout the world and have a decisive influence on the laboratory workplace.
The permanent orientation of our work to the needs of the customer has made us the European market leader.

Les avantages et les points forts de la technologie GreenFumeHood 3.
La technologie GreenFumeHood 3.
Filtration optimale et zéro émission.
Neutrodine Unisorb.
Le premier filtre moléculaire polyvalent pour les vapeurs et gaz de laboratoire.
Fruit des dernières recherches d’ERLAB, la technologie GreenFumeHood 3 est équipée d’une nouvelle génération de filtres : Neutrodine Unisorb
Développée pendant plus de 5 ans par le laboratoire R&D d’ERLAB, cette nouvelle innovation se transforme en pack de filtration.
Etant la plus avancée du monde, elle ne rejette aucun polluant dans l’air, ni air chauffé ou conditionné.
Les laboratoires peuvent ainsi réaliser jusqu’à 96% d’économies tout en réduisant de 70%, leurs coûts d’infrastructure et de maintenance.
Neutrodine Unisorb augmente fortement les capacités de rétention de la plupart des vapeurs émises par les manipulations de laboratoire.
Ces améliorations sont significatives sur les molécules connues comme difficiles à retenir avec des filtres classiques à carbone activé. Vous retrouverez, par exemple, les COV polaires à faible masse molaire et à basse température d’ébullition.
- Système antidétassement du filtre : US patent number 7,563,301
- Filtre Neutrodine Unisorb : US patent application number 12/465,434
Les avantages de la filtration Neutrodine Unisorb
- Possibilité de manipuler simultanément solvants, acides et bases avec le même filtre.
- Capacité de rétention sans précédent.
- Formulation unique, sans mélange de carbone.
- Aucun imprégnant à base de métaux lourds.
Performances du Filtre Neutrodine Unisorb testées selon la norme AFNOR NF X15-211
Amélioration de la performance
par rapport à des filtres classiques.

Point d’accès simplifié (PC, Tablette, …)
Connexion au module de commande via wifi ou ethernet.
Système d’alerte + simple + sûr
Alertes par pulsations lumineuses et sonores. U.S. Patent: D10, 528, 014
Commandes simplifiées et intuitives
Pictogrammes à surface capacitive.
Des moyens de communication simples et intuitifs, avec la technologie Smart.
La Smart Command.
Libérez-vous des contraintes d’utilisation avec ce nouveau module de commande.
Activez la puissance de la technologie Smart.
Cette interface de communication permet aux opérateurs, par une utilisation simple et intuitive, de focaliser toute leur attention sur l’essentiel : la manipulation. La technologie Smart indique, par un signal lumineux et sonore, l’état de protection de l’utilisateur. La Smart Command, intégré à tous nos packs de filtration Greenfumehood 3, saura vous alerter en toute simplicité.

eGuard pour GreenFumeHood 3.
L’application qui permet le suivi à distance de l’appareil et renforce la sécurité des utilisateurs.
Bénéficiez d’une sécurité maximale avec la nouvelle application eGuard pour GreenFumeHood 3.
Restez informés sur votre smartphone, où que vous soyez, grâce à eGuard pour GreenFumeHood 3 intégré dans chaque pack technologique GreenFumeHood 3.
La technologie des hottes GreenFumeHood 3 vous permet en accédant à l’application eGuard, de suivre à distance et en temps réel tous les paramètres de votre sécurité. C’est la puissance d’une sécurité renforcée dans votre main en temps réel.
Télécharger l'app eGuard pour GreenFumeHood 3.
Les packs technologiques d’intégration GreenFumeHood 3.
Adaptables selon la largeur de votre enceinte.

Largeur d’enceinte
900 – 1000 mm
Débit d’air traité
220 m3/h

Largeur d’enceinte
1000 – 1200 mm
Débit d’air traité
440 m3/h

Largeur d’enceinte
1500 – 1600 mm
Débit d’air traité
660 m3/h

Largeur d’enceinte
1800 – 2000 mm
Débit d’air traité
880 m3/h

Largeur d’enceinte
2000 – 2400 mm
Débit d’air traité
1100 m3/h

Largeur d’enceinte
2400 – 2700 mm
Débit d’air traité
1320 m3/h